ECOA IC Promo 2

Individual offset

2.8M+ cookstoves distributed; 5M+ capacity in 2 years​

Africa’s largest cookstove company​

Largest cookstove distribution across 20+ African countries​

Africa’s only modern cookstove manufacturer

Highest lifetime and performance, 18% cheaper than competitors​

The world’s most fuel-efficient stoves

World's most fuel-efficient biomass stoves, validated by research​

Independent Third-party Verification

Our global impact​

stoves sold
stoves sold
stoves sold
ECOA stoves sold

We have sold over 4.1 million cookstoves and transformed the lives of over 22 million people.

Our commitment to transition households to clean anergy solutions provides families with efficient cooking alternatives and empowers communities to foster healthier environments for future generations. ​

tons of CO₂ reduced
tons of CO₂ reduced
tons of CO₂ reduced
ECOA tonnes of CO₂ reduced

By selling our transformative cookstoves, we have so far prevented over 20 million tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere.

We are focused on preserving the planet for future generations by implementing innovative strategies and eco-conscious solutions that significantly reduce carbon emissions and emphasize our commitment to mitigating climate change. ​

household savings
household savings
household savings
ECOA household savings

ECOA’s efficient and cost-effective cooking solutions (EPC and Induction Cooker) have reportedly caused a reduction of household energy expenses and positively impacted the economy. ​

tons of wood saved
tons of wood saved
tons of wood saved
ECOA tonnes of wood saved

The reduction in wood consumption demonstrates the tangible impact our cookstoves have on curbing deforestation and mitigating environmental degradation. Each ton of wood saved represents a vital step toward conserving ecosystems and promoting a more sustainable future.

lives impacted
lives impacted
lives impacted
ECOA lives impacted

Through our innovative cookstoves, we've touched the lives of millions across the globe, revolutionizing their cooking experiences and enhancing their quality of life. This monumental number represents families and communities who have benefited from cleaner, more efficient cooking solutions, leading to improved health, economic empowerment, and environmental sustainability.

jobs created since 2013
jobs created since 2013
jobs created since 2013
ECOA jobs created since 2013

These jobs represent more than just numbers; they signify livelihoods, opportunities, and the empowerment of individuals within their communities. Through our initiatives and expansion, we've contributed to local economies, offering diverse employment prospects that support families and bolster communities.

Calculate your carbon footprint

  • Flight Emissions
  • Meat Emissions
  • Car Emissions

Flight Emissions Calculator

flight burn manufacturing

Personal emissions

Please contact us directly for discounted pricing on volumes above 500 tonnes
Offset your carbon footprint and avoid tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
Make a one-time custom purchase for carbon credits and remove tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphereBuy now
Mitigate climate impact by subscribing to a monthly plan or making a one-time
Subscribe to a monthly plan. Help fight climate change. Each BURN Carbon Offset equals one ton of CO₂ emissionsSubscribe now

Sustainable Development Goals

Clean cooking is a key driver of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) success

Our high impact carbon projects​

Other markets

Nigeria office: Plot 5,
Etal Avenue, off Kudirat Abiola way,
Oregun Lagos.
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