Invitation to Local Stakeholder Consultations for the Large Scale ITMO Mitigation Activity “Distribution of Electric Cookstoves for Households in Ghana” under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement.

Burn Manufacturing Co., is pleased to invite you to a Local Stakeholder Consultation (“LSC”) meeting in Northern Ghana for the proposed large scale Mitigation Activity in the Republic of Ghana.
Mercy maina njeri using induction cooker

Dear Stakeholder, 

Burn Manufacturing Co., is pleased to invite you to a Local Stakeholder Consultation (“LSC”) meeting in Northern Ghana for the proposed large scale  Mitigation Activity  in the Republic of Ghana. 

The objective of the MA is to provide access to modern cooking technologies to end-users across Africa through deployment of electric and metered cookstoves, hence reducing or displacing woody biomass consumption for households, institutions and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). 

In this context the LSC will be carried out to provide key project design information and to solicit feedback on the same from a varied cross section of stakeholders. These include local community members, non-governmental organizations, women groups, research institutes policy makers at the National and Regional level. Please note that this Local Stakeholder Consultation would also be valid for any other MA implemented in Northern Ghana provided that they are homogeneous, i.e., deploy the same stove type(s), target the same end-users and consist of the same project boundary. 

Burn Manufacturing therefore, invites all interested parties to attend the planned Local Stakeholder Consultation meeting in Tamale, those who cannot physically attend have the possibility to participate online through zoom: 


Date: Tuesday 9th April 2024

Venue: The Catholic Guest House



To support this consultation, we are providing you with: An invitation and  Non – Technical Summary of the project in both English  and  Dagbani  languages.



  • Reception - Signing participants list (8:30 am)
  • Introduction & Project presentation (9:00 am)
  • Questions and comments on the project (9:30 am)
  • Safeguarding Principles Assessment of the project (10:30 am)
  • Sustainability assessment of the project (11:15 am)
  • Discussion on grievance mechanism and monitoring of sustainable development impacts (12:15 pm)
  • Evaluation forms and closure of meeting (12:30 pm)
  • Cooking demonstration (12:45 pm)
  • Lunch (13:00 pm)

For further project clarifications and information please write an email to:

Jillian Ochoi – PM Carbon Operations at BURN  Or Daniel Adoo – Daniel Adoo – Ghana Country Manager at BURN


Please use these contact details for providing your feedback in case you are not able to participate in the stakeholder meeting. 


Yours Faithfully,

Nathan P.M. Gachugi, 

Head of Carbon Operations, Africa



Nuu din gahiri booni ti Yεli ka di zani nima Saawara malibo din yεn tum tuun’karili zaη jεndi ITMO Tuun’tumsa din bobli gbaai Barina

Baligibu bee Soochi Sochibisi zaη chaη “NiɣilimBuɣim daansi Taribu ti Ghana ya dundͻna ni” din yi Atikil 6.2 (Paris Agreement).


Mma bia Yεli ka di zanilana,

Burn Manufacturing Co., nima niη suhupiεli pam zaη chaη bε ni gahi nuu boli ya ti yεli ka zaninima saawara malibu laɣingu ti Tudu bͻbili ηͻ na din bͻbili gbaai barina baligibu tumtunsa ti Ghana tingbanni.

Barina baligibu tumtunsa ηͻ nia nyεla di yooi soli zaη chaη ti Ȝaamani ηͻ duɣili baηsim parisi n-ti di bukaata kuriba bεn be Africa zaa ka di nyεla niɣilimbuɣim mini nashaara daansi taribu, din ni baligi bee n-tuhi ku dari zaη duɣi ti dundͻnani, tuma duri nima n-ti pahi daabilim din pͻri mini din galisi nima zaa.

Din bͻηͻ puuni, yεli ka di zanim laɣingu ηͻ yεn bo la sochib-kpani din yεn mali lahibali ka lan bo labisibu din yεn yi bͻb ani yaɣa yεli kadi zannim sana. Bεnnim n- nyε ti mabihi bεn yi ti tiηkpansi, Ȝingamazuɣu tuma duri, paɣaba laɣinsi ni vihigu tuma duri kpamba, ti tingbani ηͻ mini bͻba ni yaɣa zaa. Baηmiya ni ti yaɣili ηͻ yεli ka di zaninima saawara malibo ηͻ ni mali bukaata n-zaη ti barina baligibu sochibga kam din be ti tudubͻbili ηͻ na din dee yi niη ka bε gba tumdi lala tumanima ηͻ kamani; n-tariti nashara kurufootinima ηͻ tatabsi, ban yεn zaηli ku bukaata ηͻ nima nyε zaɣayinsi ni ban tumanima bͻbili gbaai yaɣayini.

Dinzuɣu, Burn Manufacturing gahiri nuu booni bεn kam mali kͻrisi bee zaɣa ni tuma ηͻ bε yεli ka di zaninima saawara malibo laɣingu ti Tamale ηͻ. Bεn ku tooi ka Ȝii ηͻ ni na nyεla bεn ni tooi doli yεltͻɣili kam din kͻɣiri ka bihiri ti pohim zuɣu dundͻη din nye zoom la:


Dabisili: Atalaata Dali, 9th April, 2024 Ȝii Dundͻη: The Catholic Guest House Zoom-link:


Saawara Malibo ηͻ tabi sͻη polo, ti yεn tin ya la nuu gahi boli gbaη mini

Koli vaai din be asama zaη jεndi tuma ηͻ din nye siliminsili mini Dagbanli



  • Salo paabu na – Yuya gbana zuɣu dihibu (Asiba-kurug’ anii yaɣi minti pihita (8:30) am)
  • Piligu & Tuma kahigi wuhi (Asiba-Kurug’ awoi (9:00 am)
  • Bͻhisi mini tͻɣanonima zaηkpa tuma ηͻ (Asiba- Kurug’ awoi yaɣi minti pihita( 9:30 am)
  • Zalkpana zahimbu din yεn gu ka taɣi tuma ηͻ nyaanηa labbu (Asiba Kurugu pia (10:30 am)
  • Zahimbu din yεn che ka tuma ηͻ ti tooni (Asiba Kurugu piniyini yaɣi minti pinaanu (11:15 am)
  • Alizama din jεndi Fabla soya mini kpahima zaη jεndi duniya nangbanyini laɤinsi lebgimsim nianima bukaatanima ( Agbaa yaɣi Minti pinaanu (12:15 pm)
  • Gbana din yεn sͻη kari sariya mini Ȝii naabu (Agbaa yaɣi Minti pihita (12:30 pm)
  • Niɣilimbuɣum daansi zaη duɣi wuhi saha (Agbaa yaɣi Minti pihinahi ni aanu (12:45 pm)
  • Wuntaη - nagbansuuli (Wuntaηni Kurugu yini (13:00 pm)



Nira yi bͻri lahibali shεli ni o pahi bee ninneesim zaη chaη ηͻ polo, dilana ηun sabimi gbaη n-ti:

Jillian Ochoi – PM Carbon Operations at BURN Bee Daniel    Adoo    –    Daniel    Adoo    –    BURN    Manija    ηun    zaya              ti          Ghana


Dim suɣulo, a ni tooi zaη a pahigu bee a zilinkom ni nye shƐli n talim ti taliη dundͻna ηͻ di yi niη ka a bi tooi Ȝini yƐli ka di zani nim laɣingu ηͻ.


A YƐda Lana,

Nathan P.M. Gachugi,

Head of Carbon Operations, Africa






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